Should You Redesign Your Backlist Book Covers?

Why create new covers for your backlist book titles?

As a writer, your backlist is one of your greatest assets.

  • It can be a form of passive income 

  • It provides multiple entry points to your work, bringing in new readers

  • It gives you somewhere to send people after they’ve finished (and loved) your more recent titles

Breathe life into your backlist

One of the best ways to breathe new life into your older titles is to relaunch them with new covers.

  • It gives you a reason to shout about your books

  • It allows you to reach different people than before

  • Usually, a writer’s best sales numbers are during launch week. Redesigning and relaunching your books gives you a chance to experience that again

An example of an effective book design rebrand

The original cover for Cinder was published in 2012 when YA covers were still riding the Twilight wave. We saw a lot of minimalist covers with red highlights.

10 years later and YA design has changed a lot. The covers were re-released to appeal to the current market, using a bright new colour scheme and a much more intricate and stylised illustration.

When is the right time to redesign your covers?

  • When sales have slowed

  • When you want to reach a new audience

  • When trends in your niche change

  • When you want to better align your covers with your author brand

  • When you want to! They’re your books, after all :)